2015AFF: Ready To Wear, Sally Phillips & Liza Emanuele

October 23, 2015

I was tremendously excited to receive media accreditation for the Adelaide Fashion Festival (#2015AFF) which is happening as we speak right here in, as you might have guessed from the title, Adelaide.

I even went to the trouble of borrowing a proper camera to try and bring a little professionalism into my game. Thanks, Mum!

This year, the festival is being run by the events department of Tourism SA, and with the support of the state government, is set to elevate onto the international stage where it so rightly belongs. October is getting set to rival "Mad March" here in Rads, as the festival is strutting alongside other big events like the Adelaide Film Festival, Cheesefest (YASSSS), the Festival of Architecture and Design and the World Solar Challenge. As a proud South Australian, it's so exciting to see these events and activities in our city and I totally encourage everyone to support everything they can so we can keep that activated, vibrant vibe going!    

With a heap of fabulous events to attend - 18 official ones over the four days, not to mention lead-up activities and media calls - the only trouble was picking the ones I could feasibly get to while still upholding my commitments to actual paid employment and family.

The first event was the sold-out Ready To Wear lunch on Thursday 22 October, featuring an amazing array of young talent, held at Published Arthouse

After a shift change and handover at home, I was heading back into town for the Sally Phillips runway show at the Fashion Festival hub in Hindmarsh Square.

Still coming to terms with the camera at this stage but you can see a strong tribal influence as well as plenty of white.

Then it was time for Liza Emanuele. I was lucky enough to wear one of Liza's super pretty dresses as part of the AFF Blogger Style Challenge and now it was the proper model's turn. Who wore it better? (Don't answer that)

Eagle-eyed readers will spot Ms Sonia Styling livestreaming the show on Periscope (on a rose-gold iPhone 6s no less, #goals), Glam Adelaide's Kelly Noble and Adelaide fashion royalty George Gross and Harry Watt in the front row.

Liza's collection featured her signature stripes as well as plenty of pretty florals, lace and the odd sparkle.

Many thanks to Be Young PR and Little Lion for the hook-up. Join me on Monday to see more!

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